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Absorbable Sutures
Here’s how absorbable sutures are classified:
Catgut Sutures
A catgut suture is a natural, monofilament absorbable suture which has good tensile strength. The suture retains optimal strength in order to hold tissues together. Catgut is a smooth and flexible suture with good knotting, and based on its size, it completely disappears between 60 to 120 days. The eventual disintegration of this suture makes it good to use in healing tissues rapidly.
.Polydioxanone Sutures
A type of synthetic monofilament suture, the polydioxanone suture or is used to repair various kinds of soft-tissue wounds, abdominal closures. Surgeons also use this suture during paediatric cardiac procedures.
.Polyglycolic acid
The Polyglactin Suture comprises a synthetic braid, which is good to repair lacerations on the face and hands and is the most preferred option for general soft tissue approximation. Like the Poliglecaprone suture, this suture too is used in of vascular anastomosis procedures. Polyglactin sutures typically have a mild tissue reaction, for the duration of the absorption process but are a better alternative to catgut sutures as the absorption level of this suture is more predictable. Also, this suture exhibits little to no tissue reaction.
Non-absorbable Sutures
Silk suture is indicated for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, and neurological procedures.
Polyester braided
Polyester suture is a braided and coated suture (silicone) and is a non-absorbable suture composed of Polyethylene terephthalate fiber. Polyester sutures have excellent tensile strength, soft and pliable with excellent braiding and are an excellent choice for cardiovascular and ophthalmic surgery.
Nylon Monofilament
Nylon sutures are inert, nonabsorbable, sterile surgical sutures composed of the long-chain aliphatic polymers Nylon 6 and are available either dyed black with logwood extract or undyed
Polyproyplene monofilament
Polypropylene suture is a synthetic monofilament suture with greater tensile strength and less tissue adherence compared to nylon. It is commonly used for pull-out subcuticular sutures and running sutures on the face in medical procedures.